Tomball Methodist Church

Church in Tomball Texas

Mississippi Needs Our Help!

Mississippi Needs Our Help!

As you know our neighboring state of Mississippi was devastated by tornados. We are collecting many items to send to them. You can bring your donations here to the church in a specified space in the Narthex.

The needs are:

Water, Tarps, Gatorade, Heavy garbage bags, Canned food, Hammers, Pliers, Duct tape, Batteries (all sizes), Work gloves, Shovels, Brooms, Rakes, Saws, Personal hygiene items, Plastic totes with lids, 5 gal buckets with lids, Diapers/wipes, Clotheslines/pins, Flashlights, Blankets and First Aid kits.

Mississippi Needs Our Help!
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