*Fifth Sunday Fellowship September 29th - One service at 10 am and Covered Dish Lunch @ 11:30 am

*Fall Frenzy October 19th!

Tomball Methodist Church

Church in Tomball Texas



Moving Waters

Moving Waters provides hot showers to the unhoused in our community with their main goal being to relieve immediate suffering and promote long term dignity to the whole person.  For additional information please reach out on their website https://www.movingwaters-houston.org/

Manna Bags

Manna bags are knapsacks filled with food, water, toiletries, and scriptural guidance to be given out to the homeless in our community.  The manna bags are assembled by the Saints Alive Sunday School class on an “as needed” basis.  Please contact the church office if you have any questions regarding this ministry area. 

 Please feel free to take a bag and put in your car for the next time you want to witness to the homeless in our community.  Filled manna bags are kept in the Library in the sanctuary building. 

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