Adopt-a-School Volunteers
TMC has adopt Tomball Elementary School which is a Title 1 school around the corner from the church. We offer help to the teachers and administration throughout the school year providing a multitude of services dependent on the needs identified by the teacher. We have been called to help students who are struggling with reading, math, and science. We have been asked to become a mentor with a student who may be having difficulty adjusting for a variety of reasons. We are often asked to serve as the classroom moms for a class that does not have a mom who can dedicate her time to serving at the school. We have been asked to help the children with art projects or service projects that benefit others in our community. We also have served as lunchroom pals. And we usually try to provide the teachers with special treats throughout the year to show them our appreciation for what they do to serve these children.
If you think you might be interested in this program please fill out this form and someone will contact you about what areas you would like to serve.