Palm Sunday, April 13th

Good Friday, April 18th

Egg Hunt, April 19th

Easter Services, April 20th


Tomball Methodist Church

Church in Tomball Texas

Susanna Wesley Day School Classes

Infant Classes

Infants learn largely through their senses and using their bodies to make new discoveries. Infants will have access to toys to encourage their grabbing and reaching, the opportunity to exercise their large muscles to encourage new mobility and will be exposed to songs, rhymes and finger-plays to promote those early vocabulary skills. As they get older, infants will be led in age-appropriate art activities, pretend play, sensory activities, reading books and playing alongside their peers.

Toddler Classes

During this stage of their lives, children learn through exploring their environments and interactions with others. Teachers will lead students with art, songs & finger plays, pretend play, blocks, gross-motor activities and sensory play. Children will have the opportunity for self-led play in which they will learn from trial and error and experimenting with their own thought processes.  Teachers will also focus on self-awareness, mobility, communication and introduction to early cognitive skills, such as following 1-step directions, counting and learning colors and shapes.

Two-Year-Old Classes

Students in this age range will become more socially aware and more independent. Students will have the opportunity to work and play with their peers. Teachers will assist the students in communicating their feelings, sharing toys, learning new manners and following simple directions. Teachers will also encourage students to use their own problem-solving skills to explore their environment and work through obstacles with little assistance. Teachers will also provide experiences for cognitive learning through short theme lessons, craft, manipulatives and songs. They will also be introduced to early academic skills through literacy, math and science. Students will begin toilet training and will be required to be fully potty trained before moving to the Three-Year-Old Program.

Three-Year-Old Classes

Students entering our Three-Year-Old classes are required to be fully potty trained. Students will be introduced to a more structured, class-like atmosphere. Children begin to be more interactive with each other, so our teachers will foster positive emotional recognition and give the needed guidance to assist students with social problem solving. Students will be exposed to early academic skills, such as, letter and number recognition through circle time and literacy activities. They will rotate through learning centers where they will get to explore early math skills, science, dramatic play and problem solving opportunities and one-on-one time with their teacher to work on the day’s lesson. Students will be introduced to more fine-motor activities to assist in their early writing skills and scissor skills. 

Pre-K and Pre-K Bridge Classes

At this age, students will be in a class setting to begin to prepare them for Kindergarten. Teachers will lead instructed lessons in math, science, social studies and literacy. Students will begin to recognize letters, letter sounds, numbers and will begin sight words. They will begin early math skills, such as, adding and subtracting and early reading and writing skills.

School Aged Students to Fourth Grade

We have a Summer Program (June and July) for Elementary school aged students. We will have weekly theme based activities, splash days, special visitors and off-site field trips to keep our students active and engaged.

Academic School Year
We will be accepting Elementary school aged students for school year drop-ins to assist our families who are in need of care on the days the school districts are closed, but SWDS is open. Please compare our School Calendar to your School District’s Calendar because there will be a few days we will also be closed for staff in-service or holidays.


Students in our Threes and Pre-K classes will go to a Specialty Class every day. This class is intended as an enrichment program where students can be exposed to additional subjects, such as, Spanish, Physical Education, Music or Cooking. Specialty subjects may be different year to year.  

  • Morning Chapel: Our students begin their day with playful devotions, lessons and stories. Children come to know God, understand the love He has for us and will develop their personal relationship with Him.
  • Soccer Shots: This program is offered to students in our Two-year old through Pre-K classes, every Wednesday during the school year. Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s soccer program with a focus on character development.
  • Preschool Gymnastics: Mrs. Sherry, our resident certified instructor, is here every Monday to teach our Three-year old through Pre-K students. Gymnastics classes help develop strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning during children’s most important times.
  • Preschool Yoga: Mrs. Sherry is back every Thursday to teach our Three-year old through Pre-K students. Yoga can be attributed to the basic stretching advantages, and improved body awareness with the added component of the mind-body connection.
  • Spanish: Students in our Three-year old through Pre-K Programs will also benefit from Spanish lessons. More than half our population is bilingual, and students can benefit cognitively, emotionally, and creatively.
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