Palm Sunday, April 13th

Good Friday, April 18th

Egg Hunt, April 19th

Easter Services, April 20th


Tomball Methodist Church

Church in Tomball Texas

Prayer Ministry


Prayer Requests

It would be our honor to journey through life with you.  Please share your praises and prayer concerns with us.

Prayer Blanket

Our Heartfelt Stitchers ministry creates blankets for individuals experiencing a crisis in their lives.  This group provides an intercessory prayer for the recipient of each blanket.  The prayer blankets are available in the cabinet in the library for anyone to take and give to someone you know who may need a prayer.

Prayer Garden

Looking for a place of solitude and calm, come enjoy our prayer garden.  Our prayer garden was built in 2002 to encourage a sense of peace and solitude. Located next to the Sanctuary building with an entrance from the parking lot or from inside. 

It is a place where you can come and get away from the hustle and bustle of the day and spend some quiet time with our Lord & Savior.

Prayer Trail

Here is a guide you can use that takes advantage of some of the unique sights on our own prayer trail and how you can use them to remember God’s presence and power in your life!  Click the button and either print or use your phone or tablet to read as you go!  Enjoy!

Prayer Ministry Team

We have a prayer ministry team who meet weekly to pray over the concerns presented here and during our worship services. This team also prays over all areas on campus asking for God’s guidance and direction for the ministries of our church.

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