Palm Sunday, April 13th

Good Friday, April 18th

Egg Hunt, April 19th

Easter Services, April 20th


Tomball Methodist Church

Church in Tomball Texas

Camp Hope

Camp Hope

The mission of Camp Hope is to honor the fallen by helping the wounded. We offer all expenses paid adventures and comradery for our service men and women that gave selflessly for our freedoms.  From Camp Hope-Houston:  Participants are required to be military combat veterans or family members of those who have served in combat and be willing to face the challenges of managing post-traumatic stress and related conditions. This is not a treatment program, but rather a peer coaching and support program whose primary purpose is helping combat veterans find healing, balance and positive re-integration with their families and in society.  We have and continue to expand a network of individuals, churches, and other organizations to provide a “corps of compassion” in order to assist veterans and their families in dealing with the symptoms of PTSD. 

Camp Hope
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