Palm Sunday, April 13th

Good Friday, April 18th

Egg Hunt, April 19th

Easter Services, April 20th


Tomball Methodist Church

Church in Tomball Texas

Buildings & Ground Volunteer


Church Workday

Join us for a Church Workday on Saturday, November 9th from 8am to noon as we beautify our buildings and grounds for the upcoming holiday season!

Everyone is welcome, no sign-up is needed. Many hands make light work!


It is time to sign up for mowing the area around the prayer trail.  I hope someone can mow this weekend are early next to get us started.  That way the next mow will be Easter week for before egg hunt. 
As before we need to mow every other week  till mid October.

I have shown the weeks to be mowed on our calendar.  (In CCB we are group MOWERS and have our own calendar). I have shown it on Sunday but pick a day close to Sunday. To sign up just click below or you can call the church office and they will sign you up, 281-351-1249   

Volunteers for Building and Grounds

Throughout the year our Church needs a little help in its beautification. Building and Grounds need volunteers for upcoming Churchwide Work Days and maintenance Mowing the 20 acres calendar will be up at the first of the year.

If you are interested on helping in this area please contact below.

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