American Heart Association and Girls
November 12th 2:30 to 5:30 pm
Tomball Regional Health Foundation awarded American Heart Association (AHA) and Girls, Inc., of Greater Houston a grant to provide 50 girls, 3rd through 8th grade and their families, health education and CPR awareness to the Tomball community. Tomball Methodist is so excited that AHA and Girls, Inc. of Greater Houston chose us to partner in this important community event.
During our time together we will have a fun opening where we will do some exercises that will teach us how to bring peace to both our minds and bodies. We will then do break out sessions that will include Hands Only CPR and discussion time on how to be a strong, smart and bold young women with topics centered around the importance of body image and care PLUS how to be safe in an online world. And at closing we will have some prizes and gifts for the girls and families to take home with them.
Limited space is available so Registration is REQUIRED. To register please register here:
Free childcare is available when requested through registration.
Tomball Methodist Church
Family Life Center/Gym
1603 Baker Dr.
Tomball, TX 77375
281-351-1249 for more information