The Cannon Class
We are an eclectic group of older adults who study God’s Word in various ways. We often use videos, discussion and invite guest teachers. We meet Sunday 10:45 am in the Library. All are welcome!
We are an eclectic group of older adults who study God’s Word in various ways. We often use videos, discussion and invite guest teachers. We meet Sunday 10:45 am in the Library. All are welcome!
Journeys draws adults of all ages into a fun and engaging learning experience that is sure to enrich our relationship with Jesus Christ as we journey through life together. We meet on Sundays at 9:15am in Faith Building Room 9
Join our fun loving group in fellowship as we focus on studying the Bible and how it relates to our daily lives. Topics chosen by the group are discussed for several classes. No textbooks needed, only your Bible. We represent diversity of the members and the curves of the roads we have all traveled . . . no straight roads for any of us as we continue the search . . . with one goal in mind . . . understanding our Father’s words in today’s world. Come join us Sunday morning at 10:45 AM in the Faith Building Room 2.
Our class is home to all ages, but mainly Baby Boomers who join together Sunday mornings to study, share the Bible, and Christian life. We freely share questions and opinions, growing in faith while respecting each other. Come join our fellowship as we continue to grow in our Christian lives. 9:15am in Faith Building Room 6&8
Our class is home to all ages, but mainly Baby Boomers who join together Sunday mornings to study, share the Bible, and Christian life. We freely share questions and opinions, growing in faith while respecting each other. Come join our fellowship as we continue to grow in our Christian lives. 10:45am in Faith Building Room 6&8
Our class is open to anyone who wishes to study the Bible. We primarily use a workbook from InterVarsity Press. We study various books of both the Old and New Testaments. We welcome all ages but generally are in the forty, fifty, sixty and seventy ranges. Discussion is encouraged. We truly attempt to live up to our name: Seekers of the Word. We meet Sunday 10:45am in the Faith Building Room 7&9